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A couple sat on a kitchen floor eating a pizza

Why First Time Buyers Should Save With A Lifetime ISA

In this article, we'll explore what a Lifetime ISA is, who's eligible, how it can be used, and why it's an appealing option for those looking to step onto the property ladder.

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Landscape view of an area with multiple residential properties.

Popular Second Home Locations in the UK

In this article, we delve into the most popular second home locations, exploring the appeal and the unique characteristics of each area.

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Multiple little wooden houses and a magnifier

Yield vs Capital Growth - What's the Balance?

In the UK, where the property market has seen varied dynamics over the years, understanding the nuances of property yield and capital growth is crucial. This guide will provide insights into these critical aspects, enabling investors to make informed decisions.

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Notebook with text - Capital Gains

Capital Gains Tax Guide: What is Capital Gains Tax, Who pays it and How much?

This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the complexities surrounding CGT, providing clarity on what it is, who is liable to pay, how it's calculated, and strategies to mitigate its impact.

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Green Path In The Fields

Greenbelt Growth

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Happy couple sitting on the floor and hugging

How First Time Buyers Fund their Home

This article delves into the latest insights from Dataloft and the English Housing Survey 2021/22, shedding light on how first-time buyers in the UK are navigating the financial hurdles of purchasing their first home.

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sky view of a residential area with houses

What Home Buyers Really Want this Christmas

According to the latest Dataloft data, this years Christmas wish list is topped by properties ready to move into without the hassle of refurbishments. Lets delve into what home buyers are really looking for this holiday season.

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Decline of young home owners

The Decline of Young Home Owners

As we sift through the property landscape in the UK, an alarming trend surfaces, casting a long shadow over the dreams of the nation's youth. The last three decades have witnessed a substantial dip in young homeowners within the country, signalling a shift that begs analysis and action.

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Approved mortgage loan agreement application

The Mortgage Charter Explained

In this article, we'll delve deep into what the Mortgage Charter is, why it was conceived, and how it stands to benefit those seeking or currently repaying mortgages.

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