How to Make a Rented Property Feel Like Home

Moving into a new rental property can initially feel quite impersonal. However, with a few personal affects you can quickly turn your new dwelling into a space that feels uniquely yours, even within the constraints of a tenancy agreement. In this article we explore some simple methods of personalising your rented property to make it feel like home.

happy couple in their new home

Getting Creative with Command Strips

A common restriction in most tenancy agreements is the prohibition of nails or screws in the walls. This might initially seem like a hindrance to decorating, but there are other ways you can still hang your favourite pieces of art or photos. One of these ways is using Command Strips. Command Strips are a magic piece of foam-backed Velcro and adhesive combo that allows you to hang items on your walls without leaving any damage. They are also easy to remove, making them an ideal solution for tenants.

Before using Command Strips, ensure your walls are clean and dry for the best adherence. Always follow the instructions on the packet for weight limits, as overloading can cause them to fail. The best part? They leave no trace when it’s time to remove them, which helps secure that precious security deposit.

Leaning, not Hanging

When it comes to heavier items, like large mirrors or artwork, sometimes command strips might not be up to the task. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t still incorporate these pieces into your decor. A popular trend is leaning such items against a wall or on a piece of furniture, creating a stylish and casual look.

This method not only preserves the integrity of the walls but also offers flexibility. You can easily move and rearrange these pieces as often as you like. Just remember to place them securely to avoid any accidents.

Personalise with Accessories

Personalising your space can be as simple as adding a selection of handpicked accessories. These might be colourful cushions, attractive lamps, or unique coffee table books that reflect your personal taste.

Rugs are another great way to stamp your personality on a room. They can add warmth and character. Similarly, curtains and blinds can transform the look and feel of a room while giving you an extra layer of privacy.

Cleaning and Caring

While cleaning might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of making a space feel like home, it plays a significant role. Cleaning evokes a feeling of proprietorship; it helps you to bond with the place. Cleaning it makes you familiar with the character, nuances and endearing quirks of your new home. Keeping your rented property clean not only makes it a more pleasant place to live but also helps to foster a sense of pride in your surroundings. Regularly cleaning your space can also alert you to any maintenance issues that might need addressing with your landlord.

Adding plants to your space can significantly enhance the feel and air quality. Whether it’s a large leafy fern or a collection of succulents on the windowsill, greenery can make a space feel lively and cared for.

Tenancy Agreement Restrictions

While all these suggestions can help make your rented property feel more like home, it’s crucial to remember that any changes should be in line with your tenancy agreement. Be sure to review the terms and conditions of your agreement before making any significant changes to the property. If you’re unsure about anything, always ask your estate agent or landlord for clarification. After all, the goal is to create a comfortable living space for you.

Although a rented property comes with certain restrictions, it doesn’t mean it can’t be turned into a homely haven. By making creative adjustments that respect the boundaries of your tenancy agreement, you can achieve a balance between personal expression and responsible renting. A rented property need not feel cold and impersonal – with a little effort, creativity, and love, any house can be made into a home.