5 Reasons You Might Be Struggling To Sell Your Home (And What You Can Do About It)

On the surface, selling a house might seem like a simple thing – especially since there is a massive demand for housing at the moment! But even though the housing market has been on a steady upward climb in most locations, that doesn’t guarantee that buyers will come flooding to your door as soon as you put your property up for sale. In fact, some sellers really struggle to find a buyer for their property. But why is that, and is there anything you can do to improve your chances of selling?

You Put it up at the Wrong Time of Year

As we’ve mentioned in previous blogs, the time of year does have an impact on the housing market, and particularly on the demand from buyers. The demand changes depending on the type of person likely to buy your home as well, so you need to put some thought into when you list your property. For example, a lot of families tend to move in the spring or autumn, whereas retirees often plan to move during the summer months. Understanding who is likely to buy your house, along with when the market is most active, and you stand a better chance of selling quickly. We talk more about the best time buy (and therefore sell) a house here.

You Choose The Wrong Agent

This is a tough one, but there is a right agent for every house, and sometimes the reason you’re struggling to sell your house is all about the agent, not the house. When you’re looking for an estate agent, you want to look for someone who has a good track record of house sales, is actively engaged in your property, and can demonstrate their ability to sell it. Ask them how they plan to market your property, how often they will book viewings, and how they will communicate with you throughout the process. We have a list of questions you should ask your estate agent, which you can read here. In general, you want an estate agent that you get along with, seems motivated to actually sell your property, and has a good record of closing sales.

The House Isn’t Viewing Ready

Selling your home is just that – selling! So you need to put your best foot forward and present a desirable product. Often the houses that struggle to sell are ones that have been put on the market ‘as is’, and unless you’re selling a real fixer upper, this isn’t going to attract buyers. Take a long, hard look at your house and ask yourself if it’s ready to go out to the public. Would it benefit from a little tidying up, de-cluttering, or a lick of fresh paint in a few places? And where possible, can you implement some staging tactics, to make it look as inviting as possible? A little extra effort can go a long way to making sure that you not only sell your house, but you get a good amount for it as well.

Poor Photography

If you’re struggling to even get people viewing the house, then you need to go right back to basics. Look at the listings for your property and ask yourself – does this look attractive?  If you’re not sure, spend some time going through Rightmove, and pay attention to the images that catch your eye. Is it the dark, amateurish ones taken on a slant, with clothes all over the floor? Or is it the brightly lit, well-composed shots that make you want to keep looking at the next one? Unflattering photos will put buyers off from even clicking on the advert, let alone booking a viewing, so make sure the photos of your house are up to scratch. This, by the way, is why Northwood uses professional and trained photographers to take pictures of our properties!

It’s Priced Too High

We know you want to get the best possible price for your property. But if you put your property on the market at too high a price, it can deter buyers from even looking. The problem with launching to the market at too high a price is that the interest you get in those first few weeks is directly correlated to the price you will ultimately achieve.  Get it wrong, and you risk putting those important buyers off, and perhaps losing them for good.  Price your property right, right from the start, and you’ll get the interest – and offer – you deserve.

Of course, there are many other reasons why you might struggle to sell your home, but these 5 are by far the most common. At Northwood, it’s our job not just to sell your house, but make sure you’re getting the best price and the most interest for it. We have a deep interest in making sure your property is presented in the best way possible, and we’re always happy to answer any questions you might have about the process. If you’d like some help in selling your home, or you just want to know more, please just get in touch with the team today.