
Preparing Your Home for Winter

The clocks have gone back and the days are getting shorter. Winter is here. Preparing your home for the colder months between November and the end of February is important if you want to avoid any potential problems.

Here’s our quick guide to what you should be doing right now.

Here is How to Prepare Your Home for Winter

Boiler Service
This is the best time to have your boiler and central heating checked out properly. A boiler service will not only ensure you’re likely to get through winter warm and toasty but can also improve energy efficiency and potentially lower your utility bills.

Check Pipe Lagging
Another area that can cause problems during the cold winter months is piping, especially exterior pipes. Have a check around the home and inspect the lagging around your water pipes. If the lagging missing or has seen better days, now is a good time to replace it. You can buy this at your local DIY store and it’s fairly cheap and easy to put on.

If your pipes aren’t lagged properly and there’s a particularly cold snap, that can freeze the water it may make the pipes burst which you will notice just as soon as the ice thaws!

Fixing Leaks
Another thing to check for are leaks and whether pipes need to be repaired. Include taps that are dripping around the home. Fixing these will save you quite a bit of money if you have a meter for your water.

Insulation in the Attic
Insulation lasts quite a long time but it’s always worth checking before winter sets in. Take a trip up to the attic and make sure that it hasn’t flattened down and replace any areas where the insulation appears thin. This is also a good time to check the roof and spot if there are any problems with loose tiles or gaps where water could get through when it rains.

Clear the Guttering
Once Autumn has passed and all the leaves have fallen, there may be all sorts of debris on the ground an area often forgotten is your guttering. If you have trees near your home, then it pays to have a quick check of the guttering and clear any debris. While you’re up there, also check places like the facias to make sure there are no holes or cracks that need to be filled.

Check for Draughts
One major cause of heat loss in any home, particularly older ones, are draughts. These can occur around the external doors and windows. Check the doors to make sure the seals are all okay and replace them if they’ve seen better days.

Prep the Garden
Finally, once Autumn is done it’s the time to clear the garden and prepare it for the cold winter. Clear up any leaves and twigs and tidy up your borders. If you have a compost bin, this is the time to empty it and scatter all that goodness on the soil before the real cold weather comes in. For those with trees, check the variety for when the best time is to cut back or prune. Some are best done now when the leaves have fallen, others need to wait until the start of Spring.

Once you have finished preparing your home for Winter it is time to enjoy it, cosy up with a mug of your favourite hot beverage and luxuriate in all that warmth!