
Beautiful Bathrooms: 5 Rules to Stand by

Whether you want a walk-in shower room, a luxurious bath to while away the evening and reflect on your day, or something more functional that suits everyone in the family, a little careful planning and thought can go a long way.

What Makes a Beautiful Bathroom?

As we all know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Creating a sense of opulence can be expensive, of course, especially if you opt for trimmings such as marble tiling or that big, bed size tub. But you don’t have to spend a massive amount of your budget to create a bathroom that looks great and more importantly you feel great using. The good news is that there are plenty of options, whether you’re getting in a professional team or going DIY.

Rule 1: Make the Most of Your Space

The first thing that is going to define what you can achieve with your redesign is the size. Make sure you have enough space for a wash basin, the toilet and the bath and/or shower unit. The last thing you want to be doing is bumping into things and feeling cramped – particularly if you want your bathroom to be a place of relaxation.

Rule 2: Plan Your Space

As with any other room in the house, you need to think through the kind of design you want. If you would love a palatial space or need to settle for something more simple and functional, make sure that your key concepts don’t clash and you have one, central theme that works all the way through.

Rule 3: Bath Vs Shower

Yes, you can have both and many do but opting for one over the other increases your space options. Shower cupboards are usually the first choice and suit smaller areas where you want to keep things compartmentalised. Shower rooms, however, are becoming a lot more popular and are easy to design and install – they also give you some wider options on storage if you are constricted with space.

Some of us are bath people, some shower. If you like nothing more than soaking away your worries, then space is generally a bigger issue than with a shower. You want a bath that is big enough to relax in but doesn’t dominate the room. Not always an easy solution to find.

Rule 4: Add Touches of Luxury

You can certainly add style and interest to any bathroom space with a little ingenuity. Combining a range of fixtures and fittings such as mixing white tiles with gold or laying down a quality flooring that protects as well as feels comfortable under foot are things to consider. One thing you need to ensure is that you don’t overdo it, especially in such a small space.

Ideally, the bathroom should be uncluttered as possible while adding some sense of opulence. That requires having a central design idea with practical yet beautiful storage.

Rule 5: Pay Attention to the Light

Whether you want more natural light or would like to install state of the art LEDs, how your bathroom is lit is important. For small spaces – which means for most of us – getting the choice wrong can be a disaster. Big tip: Strategically placed wall lights can look sensational! Take a look at this article for lighting inspiration