
7 Ways to Save Energy

We often take the energy we use in our homes for granted without realising there are a plenty of ways to reduce our costs.

If you really want to keep those utility bills down this winter, there are some simple and inexpensive ways to improve your energy efficiency. Cutting the amount of power we use isn’t just good for our bank balances, however, it’s great for the environment as well.

Switch Off and Save

How often do we leave appliances plugged in when we go off to bed? Turning things off can save you a fair amount of money both in the short and long term. That means not leaving a light on in a room when it’s not being used, turning off radiators in bedrooms where no one is staying and not leaving devices on standby overnight.

Once you start paying attention to this sort of thing, it tends to become second nature and the habit will save you money.

Here’s the good news: according the Energy Savings Trust, simply switching off appliances could save you as much as £80 a year!

Put on Some More Clothes

We tend to walk around well-heated homes, wearing t-shirts and other thin clothing. Simply putting on a pair of woolly socks or a jumper or adding another thin layer like a vest will take the chill off.

Turn the Thermostat Down 1 Degree

Most people involved in energy efficiency have one consistent mantra and it’s this: Turning the thermostat down, even by just a degree or two, can save energy and therefore money.

According to  The National Energy Foundation, you could save around £75 per year simply by turning your thermostat down 1°C .

Seal Draughty Areas

Draughts can cause a good deal of heat loss and give the perception of cold, especially in older homes. If you want to improve this, the easiest way is to walk around the house and check areas like windows and doors. New seals can be purchased fairly economically, from any DIY store, they’re easy to fit in place and could make a big difference to your personal comfort and your utility bills.

Change to LED Bulbs

We should all be starting to change to LED bulbs by now. Not only are they super-efficient but the cost of the bulbs has come down over the last few years. If you are swapping from CFL bulbs to LED you should expect significant savings on your electricity bill, typically £20 per year per bulb when you switch from a 60w filament bulb to a 10w LED. You should also expect your lightbulbs to last longer – 25,000 hours is the average lifetime for LED compared to 8,000 hours for CFL.

Install a Smart Meter

Smart meters not only allow you to control your energy use it gives you a clearer idea where you can make changes and lower your bills. Tracking energy usage is really beneficial, particularly over the wintertime. Look at different times to put your heating on or perhaps turning off radiators in rooms that are not in use. The savings will soon mount up.

Boost Your Insulation

Finally, one area we can overlook is the insulation in the loft. This can often degrade over time or get flattened when someone heads up to get something or do some work. It’s important to check your insulation once in a while and replace it if needed. Ideally, you should have a minimum of 270mm insulation.

By making a few, easy changes to your winter routine you can continue to keep yourself warm and reduce your utility bills at the same time, so take a look at these handy tips and get saving!